Telecommunication Workers
Union Local 16 Kelowna BC
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TWU Hotlines - Toll Free 1-888-986-3971
Good day. This is today’s Hotline recorded Friday, February 19, 2010.
TWU Radio Address
The Olympic winter games are in full swing with the eyes and ears of the world paying close attention. In light of this unique opportunity to spread the message about offshoring and the negative effects it is having on our workers and communities, the Telecommunications Workers Union will air a 30 second radio message today and Saturday on the following radio stations in B.C.:
- CKNW 980 AM (Vancouver) – only Friday
- AM 650 (Vancouver) – only Friday
- 90.1 FM Simon Fraser University (Vancouver, to be confirmed)
- 99.3 FM (Castlegar, Southern BC)
- 97.3 FM The Wolfe (Prince George)
- 103.9 FM The Juice (Kelowna)
- 89.7 FM (Duncan)
- 98.9 Jet FM (Courtenay)
- 103.5 FM Community Radio
If you do not have an opportunity to listen in today, the radio ad will be posted on the TWU website later today.
Listen Here
Harold Reid
Fishing Derby
fishing_ derby_ 2009.pdf (size 996KB)
Motorcycle Rally
Here is the link to Toad Rock's website. It has a great deal of info on the campground and amenties they provide. The dates for the rally are Saturday, June 20-Monday June 22, 2009. There are a few items in addition to the link such as:
Subject: [twu] TWU/STT Hotline-Feb.03.2009
Good day, this is a TWU Hotline update recorded Tuesday, February
3, 2009.
TELUS Sending More Canadian Jobs Overseas!
The TWU was informed by TELUS yesterday that it will be
downsizing positions from its Client Care Business Solutions and
Complimentary Channels. TELUS stated the move was cost-driven and
will affect Calgary, Edmonton, Burnaby and Vancouver.
Approximately 300 employees were offered a package yesterday.
TELUS hopes to get at least 50 full-time positions to accept the
package. The Union is awaiting more information from the company
regarding the choices that will be offered to remaining employees.
To date, the TWU has been informed that the bulk of the work from
the Client Care Rep V unit will be outsourced to Manila,
The TWU is angry and disappointed with the company's choice to
move jobs from Canadian communities to offshore locations. The
Union believes that TELUS should employ workers in the
communities where it earns its profits.
We are well-aware of the impact that the company's choices have
on our members and we are looking into all of our options to
address this issue.
Employees affected by this decision can expect to receive a
letter from their manager advising of the downsizing and offering
them a voluntary separation package. Packages will be seniority
driven and any extenuating circumstances will be discussed with
the Union. If you have questions or concerns, please contact your
business agent.
Thank you for calling the TWU Hotline.
January 21, 2009
News Category: hotline
The TWU has been informed by Telus that it is downsizing a
number of administrative clerical positions in BTTO. The union
has contacted the company to have discussions about the impact on
these members and what options are available.
The TWU will provide further information as the discussions
Telecommunications Workers Union - TWU Canada
This is the TWU Hotline for January 8, 2009
Members of the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Union,
Local 175, at
the Montreal Petro-Canada refinery, have ratified a new
collective agreement,
ending the thirteen-month lockout that began in November
The workers at the refinery voted 94.6% to accept a new
collective agreement,
which was fought over the future of national pattern bargaining
in Canada's
oil, gas and petrochemical industries. As a result of the
successful battle,
Canadian Labour
Congress President
Ken Georgetti has announced the end of the
national Petro-Canada boycott.
Georgetti thanked the member organizations of the CLC for their
support of the
boycott campaign, which demonstrated the strength of labour
solidarity in
Canada and played an essential role in the successful outcome of
the CEP's
Thank you for calling the TWU Hotline.
TWU National Health & Safety Committee Bulletin
Number 8
October 1, 2008
Subject: Stopping the spread of germs and illness
With the cold and flu season coming, you must take precautions so
your office does not become a haven for germs. Developing good
habits now will prevent the spread of illness this season.
The following tips will minimize the spread of germs in your
Wash your hands
The single most effective way to kill germs and stop the spread
of disease is to use soap and hot water for 20 seconds. Wash your
hands after using the washroom, before preparing or eating food,
and frequently throughout the day.
Cover that cough
To stop the spread of germs, cough or sneeze with a tissue and
dispose of it properly. Carry a clean tissue with you at all
times. If you do not have a tissue handy, cough or sneeze into
your sleeve. Wash your hands often. Follow this advice at home,
as well, to protect your family at all times.
Keep your work area clean
If you are like most people, you are probably ready to blame your
sniffling co-workers for your sickness, but chances are it is
your own work area that is probably making you sick. A typical
desk has about 21,000 germs per square inch. Compare that with an
office toilet seat carrying 49 germs a square inch. Desk surfaces,
phones, keyboards and computer mice are havens for germs because
they are used so often. The best way to kill bacteria is to wipe
down your work area with disinfectant.
Keep fit to boost your immune system
Your body has a better chance of fighting off viruses if you are
in good shape. Maintaining a healthy and balanced diet, drinking
plenty of fluids and doing a minimum of 30 minutes of daily
exercise will safeguard your body for the onslaught of germs that
the cold and flu season brings.
Stay in bed
If you are sick, do not drag yourself into the office, putting
your co-workers at risk. Use common sense and stay at home if you
have obvious cold and flu symptoms. The general rule is to stay
at home for at least 24 hours until the symptoms subside.
Remember: sometimes all your body needs is rest and time to heal.
Visit the TWU Health & Safety webpage at
TWU National Health & Safety Committee
George Doubt,
has a message for
you on YouTube.
This is the TWU Hotline for January 17, 2008.
In the summer of 2007, TELUS changed the practice of deferring
vacation while members where on short term disability until after
they had returned to work to forcing members to keep their
vacation, even though in some cases it was right in the middle of
their medically supported short term disability leave. This
issue was resolved in December of 2007. The resolve to the
grievance is that members whose short term disability overlapped
their pre-approved vacation, would continue on short term
disability; provided that a Practitioner's Assessment Form was
previously submitted in support of their absence. This is a
significant win for all TWU members.
Thank you for calling the TWU hotline.
Good Day, this is the TWU hotline recorded Tuesday, December 18, 2007.
Your Political Action Committee is pleased to announce that Bill C-12 received royal assent on Friday. Bill C-12 provides for a series of changes and amendments to Canadian insolvency and wage protection laws and is something that the TWU, through the Canadian Labour Congress, has been requesting for a number of years.
Originally introduced as Bill C-55 in 2005 and coined as the "Workers First Bill" by the Federal NDP, the new law grants workers more stability should their employer go bankrupt. Previous legislation has put banks, financial institutions and other creditors at the front of the line to get paid.
With the passage of this bill, three important changes have
been made:
workers have been moved up the creditor line
protection of pension contributions
the ability of bankruptcy judges to unilaterally alter collective
agreements has been limited
This legislation was made possible with the support of the Federal NDP, the hard work and lobbying of the CLC and the efforts of many hard working union members across the country.
Thank you all and thank you for calling the TWU Hotline.
Good day, this is the TWU Hotline, recorded
October 30th, 2007
Service Technicians employed by Sears in the lower
mainland of BC were locked out on October 1, 2007
because they would not work under a collective
agreement that was imposed. Bargaining broke off
on September 27 when Sears demanded that the
Bargaining Committee either reject or accept the
offer right then and there prior to taking it to
their members. Sears locked them out On October 1,
first thing in the morning and then offered them a
chance to come in and work under the company's new
agreement. The "agreement" contained many
concessions and was inferior to what the employees
had previously. These long term employees joined
the Union in 1997 because of poor management and a
constant chipping away at terms and conditions of
employment by Sears. They are represented by IBEW
Local 213. They are asking that others do not
patronize Sears until this dispute is resolved
regardless of where they live in Canada.
We are asking all of our members to show support
for these workers who are fighting for dignity and
respect by not doing any business with this unfair
employer. If you would like to express your
opinion to Sears management, call: 1-800-973-7579
(Sears President's Line) or 1-800-469-4663.
Thank you for not shopping at Sears until this
dispute is resolved.
TWU Survey
August 14, 2007
The TWU Solidarity Committee is launching the first in a series
membership surveys; this survey applies only to those who fall
under the
TELUS/TWU Collective Agreement. The surveys will allow the
membership to
express their views on a number of issues to the TWU Executive
Council. The
survey results will be used as a tool to aid Executive Council
membership involvement.
Members have been working under the new TELUS/TWU Collective
Agreement for
more than eighteen months. During that period, members have had
time to see
the impact this new collective agreement is having in the
workplace and on
their home life.
We would like members to tell us which articles of the new
agreement are having the greatest impact on working and/or home
TWU Survey link:
TELUS intends to move some TELUS Mobility client care work to
June 12, 2007
News Category: hotline
TELUS Mobility informed the Table Officers this afternoon that
TELUS intends to move some TELUS Mobility client care work to
Manila in the Phillipines. TELUS claims this will not effect any
Canadian employees and they intend to grow Canadian call centres.
They will begin with 40 positions in Manila and increase to 200
by the end of the year.
March 12, 2007
2007 final results of the elections more....
Catholics told to pull plug on Telus
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Even though other wireless providers already allow cellphone
access to adult images through Internet browsers, Kevin Restivo,
a telecommunications analyst for the SeaBoard Group in Toronto,
said in the past, for technological reasons, it has either been
impossible or "excruciatingly slow" for cellphone users
to download erotic or other images.
Telus, Restivo said Friday, has made it simpler to download adult
images by redesigning them specifically for cellphones.
Memo to all TWU Locals (posted here 2007-01-28)
(pdf size: 81KB - 2 pages)
On November 15th, 2006 the
motion was submitted to TWU Executive Council from Local 5:
“WHEREAS the Telecommunications Workers Union represents
workers across Canada and now faces significant operational,
representational and financial performance challenges before the
expiry of the TELUS-TWU collective agreement in 2010; now .......(more)
January 15, 2007
Compulsory overtime info more...
Posted January 10th 2007:
Judge Groves Decision TWU vs Bell
In the Supreme Court of Canada
Date: 20061208
(pdf size: 93KB
- 15 pages)
Can also find GrovesDecisionTWUvBell.pdf on the TWU Canada website.
November 28, 2006
RELEASE - Small Business Ready To Fight Big Union Bill ...
CFIB released an open letter today, which was sent to every Member
of Parliament this week calling on them to vote
Bill C-257, dubbed “anti-scab” ...
This is the TWU hotline recorded October 27, 2006
The TWU is pleased to announce that national anti-scab
legislation became one step closer to reality this week. Members
of Parliament voted in favour of the second reading of Bill C-257,
with 167 votes in favour and 101 opposed.
The Bill will make it illegal for employers like Telus to hire
replacement workers while their own employees are locked out or
on strike. But it's not law yet.
The legislation has been referred to a committee and still needs
to pass a third reading vote in the House of Commons, three votes
in the Senate and royal assent, before it becomes law.
The TWU would like to thank all members who asked their MPs to
support this bill, and would urge members to keep the pressure on.
This legislation could have made a major difference in the
outcome of our labour dispute, and could stop Telus from shipping
in busloads of scabs in future disputes.
Let's keep the pressure on until this Bill becomes law. Contact
your MPs and urge them to proceed to the third reading without
delay. For information on what you can do to support anti-scab
legislation, visit the TWU Web site
or the CLC
Web site
The TWU would like to encourage all members interested to
participate in the following rally to be held Saturday, October
28, 2006. There will be a march at 1:00 p.m. with the rally to
follow at 2:00 p.m.
Canadian Troops out of Afghanistan
Labour Contingent will meet at 12 noon at the Waterfront Station,
West Cordova Street around the Angel of Victory Statue. Labour
will march behind the BC Labour against the War banner. Bring
your Union banners, flags and messages of peace.
For more information or if you can't find the BC labour Against
the War banner, contact Mable Elmore at 604-783-5171.
For more information you can visit
Thank you for calling the TWU hotline.
This is the TWU hotline recorded October 26, 2006
The TWU office has filed policy grievances over the Company's
statement that members would lose any current vacation and/or
banked holiday time which have not been taken.
In addition, the Union has ... more
(released here 20060908)
(The Accused) Bruce Bell, President, Telecommunications Workers
Heard before a Telecommunications Workers Union Trial Board
(43 pages,
size 271KB)
Objections (6 pages, size 31KB)
August 23, 2006
....Local 209 Member loses children in plane crash
....Arbitration Update
....Balance Day Arbitration more...
August 18, 2006
Trial update/September TWU Special Meetings
As we noted in a previous Hotline regarding the charges brought
against Bruce Bell, Mr. Bell was able to launch an appeal through
the Canadian Labour Congress. Mr. Bell has made that request, and
an Ombudsperson has been appointed.
TWU Member Bulletin - August 08, 2006
To all TWU/STT Members across Canada
Several weeks ago numerous TWU Delegates brought forth and laid
charges against President Bruce Bell. Following the process
as set out in the TWU Constitution a Trial Board was then struck,
and a hearing was held.
After deliberations the Trial Board rendered their decision
Sunday August 6th 2006 and as a result effective immediately Mr.
Bruce Bell has been removed from the office of President.
Mr. Bell has the opportunity to appeal the decision to an
Ombudsperson of the Canadian Labour Congress.
The TWU will move forward remaining focused and accountable to
you the membership.
Please contact your Local President and Delegates for
further information.
TWU Hotline
July 21, 2006
News Category: hotline
Arbitration updates more...
This is the TWU Hotline for June 2, 2006.
Members in British Columbia who recently received a
of their 2002 income taxes relating to expense issues at Telus
are reminded to send in their notice of objection ....... more
Vancouver Sun: Saturday, March 11, 2006
Telus union execs reinstated by judge
A B.C. Supreme Court judge ordered Telus union leader Bruce Bell
and his executive restored to office Friday, saying union warfare
should be resolved by contest, not revolution.....
March 7, 2006 - hotline
Today was the second day of the TWU’s annual
Convention. more...
Important note about Job Postings..
March 2, 2006 - bulletins
Access to job postings more...
February 10, 2006 -
Business Agent Karen Whitfield reports that
final decisions on contempt of court charges against TWU members
came down in January. more...
TWU Bulletin December 20, 2005
E.I. Appeal and Grievances Update more...
TWU Hotline December 20, 2005
BC Pension Plan Update more...
TWU Hotline December 20, 2005
Deeming of days lost approved more...
The Union Pension Trustees report that the issue of pensionable
days lost to the 4 month labour dispute has been resolved.
Arbitrator Peter Morse (who was appointed by the courts as the 9th
Pension Trustee for the BC Plan to break the deadlock) has voted
"yes" which ruled the deeming of days lost due to the
recent labour dispute.
With the deeming of days lost approved it is NOT necessary for
members to purchase days to achieve the full year pension credit.
Notice to TWBP members: December 15, 2005
Update regarding Health & Benefit Plan more...
TWU Hotline December 13, 2005
Opportunities for TWU members more...
TWU Hotline December 9, 2005
Benefits update more...
TWU Hotline December 7, 2005
Union and the company are working to resolve problems more...
Finally, TWU officers held a conference call with Telus
management Wednesday involving office closures. A bulletin on
this subject will be out shortly. The bottom line is that we have
requested that every effort be made to ensure that there are
sufficient vacancies created to enable members affected by
closures to remain employed in the community where they live if
they wish to.
TWU Hotline December 6, 2005
TWU met with the company today more...
Arbitrations for members who were fired during the dispute are
ongoing, with hearing days scheduled through December 21st. It is
possible that these dates will be extended to the 22nd, if
TWU Hotline November 28, 2005
Arbitration/Return to Work updates more...
Telus Corp. announces merger of Telus Mobility
wireline division 17:08:26 EST Nov 24, 2005
VANCOUVER (CP) - Telus Corp. is merging its wireless and
traditional telephone businesses, Telus Mobility and Telus
Communications, into one operation and consolidating power under
CEO Darren Entwistle.
Jack Layton's speech in the House of Commons - Bill C-263 ...
Jack Layton's speech in the House of
Commons -
Bill C-263 (Anti-scab
Mr Speaker, The time has come for this minority parliament to
make good ...
TWU Hotline November 24, 2005
Orientation Sessions update
Members who are called in to attend an orientation session should
be paid for the entire day, whether or not the session lasts a
full day. In addition, members who attend such sessions are
considered to be on staff and getting paid from that date.
TWU Hotline November 22, 2005
Key Points and Membership Concerns: more...
TWU Hotline November 21, 2005
Return to Work issues more...
Nov 18th Vote count |
Cast: 10,566
- Spoiled: 450 = Valid: 10,116
YES: 6808 Ratification Passed by 64.1% |
History Pic - July 21 2005 to Nov 18th 2005 |
As sited in CIPO Canadian Intellectual Property Office What is fair dealing , information displayed on TWU Local 16 is for our members private study, research, criticism, review or news reporting.